How to sell 4-6 figure deals remotely (Podcast)

August 21, 2021
Silvan Krähenbühl

I was recently interviewed by Manuel Hartmann for the B2B Startup Sales Podcast and shared my best tips and learning from the past 6 years. You can listen to the full episode below:

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June 13, 2022

Hustling is a Humble Journey

Being a salesperson in Switzerland will get you a fair share of odd looks. Why is that?! The way I see it, this bad reputation is far from fair, because sales really require social intelligence and humility. Struggling is a part of the process, and that is why I chose to tell you the story of how I grew from anxious cold-calling to striking fantastic deals.

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February 14, 2022

When to Kill your Business Idea

Ever had a terrific business idea that just didn't fare well? Being left with armfuls of an unprofitable model and a hole in your funds is not a great feeling. Here's how to know when you need to let your vision go to rest — or convert it into something more meaningful.

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